Major Annual Events
Easter Monday Annual 5 mile Walking Race*
May Bank Holiday Monday – Cuckoo Fayre*
June: Cuckfield MusicFest https://cuckfieldmusicfest.co.uk/
August/September: Village Show (Cuckfield Society)
October: Cuckfield BookFest https://cuckfieldbookfest.co.uk/
October: 3rd Friday – Mayoral Election*
October: next day New Mayor’s Parade*
November: Saturday nearest 5th – Fireworks to Music https://www.cuckfieldbonfire.co.uk/
November: First Sunday – London to Brighton Veteran Car Run https://www.veterancarrun.com/
December: 1st Friday – Pensioners Christmas Lunch*
December: 1st Friday Christmas Street Festival (Cuckfield Parish Council/Cuckfield Society)
Same weekend – Christmas Tree Festival (Friends of Holy Trinity)
Same Weekend – Christmas Cabaret (Cuckfield Dramatic Society)
Boxing Day – Football Match*
* Organised by the Independent State of Cuckfield
Parish Council Events
Tea & Company – every Tuesday from 1.30 to 3.30pm, The Council Chamber, Queens Hall
Skate Jam – 15th April, Whitemans Green Skate Park
Silver Sunday – 27th April & October (TBC), The Queens Hall
VE Day Celebrations – 8th May, Holy Trinity Church & Old School
Summer Picnic – 20th July, Haywards Heath Rugby Club
Rain or Shine Performance, show and date TBC for October, The Queen’s Hall
Christmas Street Festival – 5th December, Cuckfield High Street
(managed by Cuckfield Parish Council)

*Independent State of Cuckfield https://cuckfieldstate.org/
The Independent State of Cuckfield is a charitable organisation which was established when the Donkey Derby was no longer able to be held. Cuckfield declared “UDI” and established its own mayor – a role completely outside local and national government.
The mayor is elected annually in what has been described as the most corrupt election in the world in that whichever candidate raises the most money wins the election (1 penny equals 1 vote and there are no limits to number of times you may vote!)
The aims of the Independent State are to ensure the welfare of all Cuckfield’s citizens, young and old, and to protect the local surroundings. It raises funds through the mayoral election and distributes this to various organisations, groups and charities based in Cuckfield and the surrounding area, to the benefit of the community.

Cuckfield Local Market is held at Holy Trinity Church.
Open 09.30-12.30, every 2nd Saturday of the month.
We are a not for profit group working in partnership with the local parish church and any money we make from stallholder fees is donated to local charities/local projects.
Email: cuckfieldlocal@gmail.com for more information
Prospective stall holders (must be food or drink related) are encouraged to contact via cuckfieldlocal@gmail.com or message us on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/CuckfieldLocal
Cuckfield Society
The Cuckfield Society is a charity which was formed in 1963 with the intention of helping to preserve and enhance the essential atmosphere of the very special parish of Cuckfield and the surrounding countryside.
They also seek to improve, in every way possible, the appearance of the village and our amenities.
Registered charity number: 216401